I hate banks, the cable company and phone companies with equal passion. Their inane rules and regulations drive me up the friggin' wall.
Last month, I was paying bills and I looked at our Mediacom cable bill and thought, "This is just outrageous." (It's $141 a month - with high speed internet coupled in there that my company pays for. Still, just the cable services we have for movies and everything is about $100 a month.)
We have the full movie package - all the HBO channels, all the Showtime channels, Starz, Cinemax, Sundance, etc., etc., etc. The only problem is that all the programming and movies on Showtime and their affiliated channels SUCK!!! There wasn't a good movie on any of the Showtime channels all summer long. We're talking 15 to 17 channels total. And there hasn't been any more than a couple three that I'd consider watching this fall.
So as I was paying the bill, I called up Mediacom customer service to see how much my bill would be reduced if I dropped all the Showtime channels.
The gal looked up our account on the computer and she said, "Well, you have the Four Star pack with all the movie channels. If you dropped the Showtime movie tier, your bill would actually go up $10 a month."
I said, "You're KIDDING me!"
"No sir, without the full movie package that you have right now, your bill would go up $10 dollars a month."
I was incredulous. So incredulous that she talked me into the new sports package tier for an additional $3.95 a month! That's how shocked I was!
I'm telling you - banks, the cable company and the phone companies have you by the short hairs.
Here's another case in point -
I was told recently by my boss that I WILL get a Blackberry - the handy-dandy phone/internet/e-mail device that is the rage with working professionals across North America. I've been holding out because my local cellular provider, U.S. Cellular, didn't have the latest and greatest 8700 series of Blackberry's. But they told me they were coming and coming soon.
(As an aside - I've said for years that having U.S. Cellular as a cellular carrier is a step above using two soup cans and string. Their coverage is pitiful, I get drop outs even in Chicago, and their phones are always a year or so behind the neat phones that other cellular carriers have. But living in the Quad Cities, our options for cellular carriers are very limited.)
Last night, I went to pay my bill at U.S. Cellular and I just happened to ask the store manager if the new 8700 series of Blackberry's had made it to them yet. He said, "No, not yet, but they should be here any day."
After explaining to him that I was ordered to get one, he began to ask me about how I would use it. More phone than e-mail, I said. But, then again, the way that some people depend on their Blackberry's - to the order of having them called "Crackberry's" - I may find that I end up using it more for e-mail than phone. He went through a couple of plans - one for $79.00 a month for 2000 minutes and an additional $39.95 for unlimited usage of the Blackberry for internet or e-mail. I thought it sounded OK to me.
He said the price of the new Blackberry 8700 series phone they were getting in would be $499.00. He said that if I signed up for a 24 month plan, it would knock it down to 379.00. And a special in-store rebate for the nationwide plan I'm on would knock it down another $50 bucks to $329.00. Oh! And they had a $50 dollar rebate that would make the final cost $279.00. Hell, I didn't care - my company was going to pay for it.
So, I said that I'd be more than happy to re-up for another 24 months - I'd been with U.S. Cellular for over 10 years. So he asked for my phone number and looked up my current plan. He said, "Uh, oh."
I felt my anus begin to pucker because I knew he was getting ready to stick it to me.
He said, "I'm afraid that you aren't eligible for the plan. You still have seven months left on your current contract."
I said, "That's all right. I'll just go ahead and re-up for another 24 months."
He said, "Well, we can't do that. You have to break your current contract and then re-sign a new contract for 24 months."
He said, "Yeah, I know, it's weird. But we can't just tack on the 24 months to your existing contract. We don't do that any more. You have to break your contract and there's a fee to break your contract."
I stood there with this incredulous look on my face. I said, "You're shitting me!"
He was good natured about it and he said, "No, I wish I was. But that's our policy. I know it's kind of stupid, but that's how it is."
I asked, "OK, just for shits and giggles, how much would it cost me to break my contract."
He said, "Well, right now with seven months left on your contract, it would be $150 dollars. But since you're a long time customer and spend a lot of money with us each month (we spend about $200 a month between our two phones), you can probably call customer service and they can - maybe - knock the cancellation fee down to $75 bucks."
I just stood there and looked at him. I started to laugh and I said, "No really. You've got to be shitting me!"
He shrugged his shoulders, looked down, shook his head and said, "No sir. I wish I was."
He told me that I could buy the Blackberry outright for $499 and keep the same plan. I said, "Why would I want to miss out on over $200 bucks worth of savings if I can get it? That isn't very smart, is it?"
He then started to tell me that I could get on a family plan for $109 a month (plus the $39.95 for the Blackberry plan). That would allow me to have my regular cell phone and the Blackberry, but have TWO phone numbers that I would use for the next seven months to be able to get the savings plans.
I said, "Wait a minute. You're asking me to spend $109 a month for seven months for not one, but TWO phone lines. That's 7 months times $40 bucks more a month that I don't have to pay if I canceled my current contract right now for $150 bucks."
He stood there for a second and said, "Well, yes, in this case it would be advantageous for you to do just that - cancel your current contract, pay the $150 dollars and get the Blackberry."
I just started laughing. And I don't mean just a chuckle. I was literally standing in the U.S. Cellular store laughing my ass off. I said, "You know, in seven months when my contract is up, there ARE other options in cellular companies. I don't necessarily have to work with a local cellular company. I can easily go elsewhere and do something with AT&T or Verizon. And if I have to shell out $150 bucks to break a contract with U.S. Cellular just to STAY with U.S. Cellular, that may just be the impetus for me to look elsewhere."
Once again, he sort of gave me that "Sorry" look and shrugged his shoulders. "You have all those options, sir. That's correct."
I just turned and walked away, laughing all the way out the door. And I'm not snickering, I'm outright laughing. I didn't mean to be a dickhead, but it was just too outrageous.
I actually felt bad for the guy because I knew his hands were tied. He knew it was a stupid rule and the company wasn't looking out for the best interests of their longtime customers.
I'm going to call the U.S. Cellular customer service line and see what they say. I've said a couple times before that I was going to switch cell providers, and it may depend on what the person at the other end of the line says when I call in.
I cannot agree with you more. I have Cingular (AT&T) and I have laughed MANY times at their policies. My son has had a phone in for warranty service for the last six weeks. No new phone, no loaner phone, nothing. They told us we could get a new phone for $50. We're at the point where they're going to break us down and make us get a new phone.
Posted by: Ed Sloan | November 21, 2006 at 02:28 PM
Your observations are funny, yet sad. We just went through some tough times getting Direct TV to finally get their act together at our house. And don't get me started as to why I dropped cable and went to Direct TV!
Posted by: Peter Lawrence | November 21, 2006 at 08:12 PM
Interesting story, Will. I was laughing at the stipulations, too. Have you called customer service yet?
Posted by: Tim Lake | November 22, 2006 at 02:07 PM
I called customer service, Timmy, and after reiterating to not one, but TWO, U.S. Cellular people that if I had to pay any money to break my contract just to spend more money with them, they finally relented and "allowed" me to get the special promo on the Blackberry. But I was admonished by a supervisor that this would be the one and ONLY time they would allow this to happen. As a friend of mine said earlier today, "These cell companies just don't get it."
Posted by: Will Veber | November 24, 2006 at 07:59 PM