It's December and right on schedule the first major winter storm of the season is bearing down on the Midwest. We're getting snow now, but freezing rain is expected later today before the temperatures warm up and the precipitation turns to all rain. Weird weather, to say the least.
I've often said that Iowa is a great place to live for nine months out of the year. But from December 1 to February 28 - the Meteorological winter - it's not too nice. As much as I hate the snow and ice and the cold weather, I like the other months enough that I don't want to move. I'll grudgingly put up with the crappy weather for the next 13 weeks just to continue to live in my own little slice of heaven.
I've been trying to hang on to fall just a little bit longer this year for some reason. But I'm afraid we're in for a long winter that will probably stretch well into March before we see nice weather again.
Well, I guess I'll just make a fire in the fireplace, start a big ol' pot of my Vegetable Beef Soup and hunker down inside all day today.