The above graphic is the estimated snowfall amounts the National Weather Service is projecting for a huge storm that is forming to the south and west of the Quad Cities that promises to dump a shitload of snow on the region overnight and into tomorrow.
If you click on the graphic, you'll see that we're slated to get 13.8 inches of snow in the area. This is up from the projected 8.3 inches the NWS had on their web site earlier today.
Some areas could see local amounts up to 16 to 20 inches of snow. Check out the Milwaukee area up in the upper right hand corner. They're projecting 15.8 inches of snow up there from this storm. They're promising thunder snow with this storm which could dump 1 to 2 inches per hour on given areas.
As much as I hate snow and as much as I hate winter, this is going to be a major blow to my mental state in the coming days. I'm ready for spring.