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I had a bacon cheeseburger pizza once, cut tavern-style, that had a dill chip atop every slice. It was too much and I had to pick them off.


I grew up in Green Bay and Frank & Pat's is one of the three greatest restaurant treats in the city. I now live in CA and when I get back to GB this is the first restaurant I run to. The thin crust covered with your toppings and stacked with the mushrooms is fantastic. Want to fly there right now for a "special"!


Actually, Frank and Pat's was in Neenah in 70s. As a girl scout we went there and they showed us how they cooked the pizza in the wood fired oven. I also went to that location with my family. I have never heard of one in Menasha before reading your post.

Tom Becher

I thought the faulds oven from Appleton went to Neenah and the Neenah one went to Green Bay
Menasha manager was Larry Schwarz. As part of remodeling Neenah added on, doubling the size. It was an old grocery store. They added on a full basement and created a kitchen down there where the made their own sausage and fine cut their cheese and mushrooms.I’ve been a fan since Appleton when they were around the corner from present location on college avenue. First time I damn near gagged as I found out later so did the rest of my group
I was an electrician and worked for frank and Pat at their homes and all the business except Green Bay

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